The Law Offices of Jason Trumpler

Domestic Violence | Williamson County Assault Family Violence Attorney

Dec 31, 2019 @ 03:49 PM — by Jason Trumpler, P.C.
Tagged with: Assault Family Violence Family Violence Domestic Violence Williamson County

Williamson County Assault Family Violence Lawyer Jason Trumpler

CONTACT US TODAY AT 512-457-5200!

Knowledgeable Assault Family Violence Attorney in Williamson County, Texas

Family Violence or Domestic Violence, from a criminal law standpoint in the State of Texas, is physically violent behavior towards someone that is either an intimate partner or who resides in the same household. These actions are often against folks with whom the subject shares a dating or sexual relationship or a spouse but can include roommates, family members, or ex-partners. If law enforcement has arrested you or someone you know for assault family violence or domestic abuse, you must immediately hire competent legal counsel. You can count on Attorney Jason Trumpler to protect you, or your loved one, against false accusations. Attorney Jason Trumpler can ensure that your rights are not trampled on by the state. He can also ensure that if you enter into a plea agreement, the results are as favorable as possible under the circumstances.

Common Types of Assault Family Violence or Domestic Violence

Often, police arrest someone for family violence because someone within the household made a 911 call in a moment of anger before he or she fully understood the ramifications. Other times a friend or neighbor may have reported an argument that he or she did not fully understand, and the incident may have been taken out of context or misunderstood. Depending on the circumstances, the purported victim may not even want to press charges for the police to arrest you. Williamson County Criminal Defense Attorney Jason Trumpler is here to investigate the details of your arrest to determine the best method to defend you in court.

A few examples of domestic violence offenses we defend include:

Fighting for Your Rights in Williamson County

Charges of assault family violence and domestic violence can not only lead to severe criminal ramifications, but they can also have far-reaching implications in your personal life. If you are convicted, a restraining order can be issued that prevents you from returning to your home, seeing your spouse (or the individual in question), and seeing your kids, if you share kids with the individual that state has accused of abusing. If you are convicted, you will lose your right to own a gun. If you are convicted, any previous allegation of assault family violence in this state or any other state, the state will likely charge you with a felony. If you would like to learn more about how our firm can assist you, please do not hesitate to call us immediately at 512-457-5200. We would like to offer you a free, 30 minute, confidential case consultation.

Contact our office today at (512) 457-5200 to get started.