The Law Offices of Jason Trumpler

About DUI/DWI Cases - What Client Should Know

Jan 20, 2020 @ 12:50 PM — by Jason Trumpler, P.C.
Tagged with: Drunk Driving Criminal Defense

If you have been charged with drunk driving, the consequences can be very serious. There are fines, license suspensions, and even jail time that could be mandatory. It's for these reasons that it's so important that you consider speaking with a criminal defense attorney to contest your charges. Right now we want to go over some of the basics with regard to driving under the influence (DUI) and driving while intoxicated (DWI) charges.

About DUI / DWI Charges

DUI and DWI both refer to instances in which a person is found operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or another controlled substance. We'll focus on alcohol consumption here, but driving after the use of painkillers, marijuana, crystal meth, and other drugs is also illegal.

Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) in the State of Texas

When dealing with drunk driving stops, officers will assess sobriety. This can be done with a field sobriety test which checks basic motor skills and mental alertness. Another way to measure sobriety is through blood alcohol content (BAC). Below are the acceptable BAC levels:

It should be noted that people who drive recklessly may still be arrested and charged with DUI / DWI even if they are within the legal limit.

Legal Penalties for Drunk Driving

For adults, the State of Texas imposes the following penalties for a first offense DUI/DWI:

The penalties are increased with subsequent offenses or if there is a child passenger in the vehicle at the time of the arrest. Major penalties also exist if the drunk driver caused the injury or death of another motorist or a pedestrian.

For minors, the following penalties apply for DUI/DWI offenses:

No matter your age or your offense, a DUI/DWI defense attorney can help you with addressing these charges.

Should I fight my drunk driving charge?

If the circumstances of your arrest seem unjust or if you would like to find out what your legal options are to lessen the various punishments that you are facing, it is worth fighting your charge and exercising your legal rights. By speaking with an attorney familiar with criminal defense cases such as this, you will be able to receive sound counsel each step of the way.

How Our Legal Team Can Help

Our lawyers will make sure that the traffic stop and arrest were carried out in accordance with Texas law as well as the Bill of Rights. Our team will also make sure that any and all equipment used to assess BAC was properly calibrated. Ultimately, we want to make sure that you receive a fair shake from the legal system and that the law works for everyone fairly.

Learn More About DUI/DWI Defense Law

For more information about drunk driving cases and you legal rights during these kinds of proceedings, be sure to contact our Austin, TX criminal defense lawyers today. We will make sure that your side is heard and that our legal system is working for the people rather than against the people.