The Law Offices of Jason Trumpler

Austin Deadly Conduct Lawyer - Travis County Attorney Jason Trumpler

Feb 9, 2020 @ 07:34 PM — by Jason Trumpler, P.C.
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Deadly Conduct Lawyer in Austin, TX

Contact Us Today At 512-457-5200!

The Texas Penal Code broadly defines deadly conduct as recklessly engaging in behavior that places another in imminent danger of serious bodily injury. A person also commits this offense if he or she discharges a firearm toward a group of people or a home, building, or vehicle, whether occupied or not. Although a weapon is commonly involved, it is also not uncommon for individuals accused of a DWI to face deadly conduct charges. The law broadly defines deadly conduct to encompass as many potential scenarios as possible. A final conviction may result in either a Class A Misdemeanor or a 3rd-Degree Felony, both of which can negatively affect future employment, housing, or public assistance opportunities.

If the State charges you with deadly conduct, the prosecutor must prove beyond a reasonable doubt to the court or jury that you committed the crime. Proving a deadly conduct case beyond a reasonable doubt can be challenging to do. Jason Trumpler has 20-years of criminal defense experience and will fight to get you the best outcome possible on your case. Contact Us Today At 512-457-5200.

Potential Consequences

Deadly conduct is either a Class A Misdemeanor or 3rd-Degree Felony. The punishment range for a Class A Misdemeanor is:

While deadly conduct is so broadly defined as to encompass many scenarios, law enforcement arrests many individuals for deadly conduct after allegedly firing off a weapon in a reckless manner. Specifically, the Texas Penal Code states that if you fire off a firearm in a reckless way towards another person or a building/car, you may be charged with deadly conduct and face a 3rd-Degree Felony. The punishment range for a 3rd-Degree Felony is:

Even if you believe the gun is not loaded, and you point it at another individual or attempt to fire it off, the State still may charge you with deadly conduct.

If the State has charged you with deadly conduct in regards to your behavior towards another individual, it is a defense to the prosecution if they consented to the act.

Contact Us at 512-457-5200

If the State has charged you with the crime of deadly conduct, we can help. We are committed to examining all of the details of your case to find the best defense for you. Jason Trumpler currently practices in Central Texas counties, including Travis, Williamson, Bell, Hays, Bastrop, Coryell, Comal, and Lee. Call Us Today At 512-457-5200.

Austin Criminal Defense Attorney Jason Trumpler can also help if the State has charged you or someone you know with any other type of criminal offense, including, but not limited to: